Fat Transfer To Buttocks Cost

Unbiased guidance for smart cosmetic decisions

By: Julia Khan, prices are regularly updated.

Prices may vary by location and are updated frequently.

The buttocks (i.e., glutes) are the largest muscle in the body and, as such, perform a wide range of functions in daily activities from walking and running to sitting. Aside from these practical functions, the buttocks are also seen as a sign of youth, beauty and even fertility for women and virility for men in many societies – the shapelier and perkier the buttocks, the better for personal confidence, especially in relation to being sexually attractive. For this reason, buttock enhancement procedures like fat grafting are popular for men and women in the United States and abroad.

But what’s the fat transfer to buttocks cost, both in terms of the monetary and non-monetary (e.g., side effects and complications)? Are the benefits worth the cost (i.e., cost-benefit comparison)? These are just a few of the questions that we will answer here.  

The following Fat Transfer To Buttocks prices are estimates only.


Fat Transfer To Buttocks Approximate Cost

Fat Grafting Technique (Average Starting Price)$4096.00
Butt Implants (Average Starting Price)$4,884.00

What Can It Do?

Emphasis must first be made that there are two main methods of buttock augmentation, namely, buttock implants (i.e., silicone-filled devices are surgically placed within the buttocks’ tissues) and fat transfer to buttocks, also known as Brazilian butt lift. Here, we will only discuss the Brazilian butt lift, a technique involving fat grafting – fat from one area of the body is grafted and transferred into the tissues of the buttocks.

The procedure can achieve the following things for you, the patient, if you decide to undergo the procedure:

  • Increase the appearance of roundness or fullness, as well as the projection, of your buttocks (i.e., shapelier and perkier with none of their previous sagging)
  • Improve the symmetry of your overall figure, a desirable outcome for men and women who feel that body asymmetry affects their appearance
  • Enhance your sense of confidence, body image, and attractiveness

Keep in mind, however, that even with a successful Brazilian butt lift, you may not feel as confident as you want afterwards. You and your doctor must then discuss underlying mental health issues that can affect your satisfaction with the results, as effective as these may have been.

Furthermore, liposuction may also be performed on the buttocks area for better contouring. You and your doctor will discuss the possibility as well as the pros and cons of buttock liposuction with a Brazilian butt lift.

What Comprises Its Cost?

According to the American Society of Plastic Surgeons, the average cost of a buttock augmentation using the fat grafting technique is $4,096 (2017). In comparison, the average cost for butt implants is $4,884. In some cases, a plastic surgeon may decide to perform both fat grafting and butt implant surgery for better results, thus, the overall cost will increase.

These average cost don’t include the fees for the operating room facilities, the anesthesia, and other related expenses. The costs for the surgery itself and its complications are also usually not covered by health insurance; ask your insurance provider about the inclusions and exclusions before undergoing the surgery. Many cosmetic surgeons, fortunately, offer reasonable patient financing plans, such as an installment plan or a credit card-based plan, so ask about them, too.

The actual cost per patient will vary depending on several factors, such as the area where the fat was harvested, the size of the treatment area, and the geographical location of the clinic, as well as the expertise of the surgeon. The total cost, as reflected on the clinic bill, typically includes the following items:

  • Professional fee of the surgeon
  • Medical tests, both before and after the procedure
  • Cost for using the hospital or clinic facilities
  • Anesthesia fees
  • Post-surgery garments and devices, such as special pillows
  • Prescription medications

As with all types of surgical procedures, be careful about choosing the board certified plastic surgeon who will be performing the Brazilian butt lift. Remember that the monetary costs are just as important as the non-monetary aspect of the procedure including the surgeon’s track record, experience and guarantee, the pre- and post-operative care provided, and the results achieved. You should also be comfortable working with the surgeon – trust is, after all, a must in the patient-doctor relationship.

Who Is a Suitable Candidate?

Every buttock enhancement method is a highly individualized procedure and, as such, every patient should have personalized treatment plan. If you come across an apparently cookie-cutter plan, you must reconsider undergoing the procedure in said clinic. You must also ensure that, indeed, you’re undergoing the procedure for yourself and yourself only, not to fit into an idealized figure, to please others, and to fulfill the desires of another person.

You may be a suitable candidate for a Brazilian butt lift if:

  • You are physically healthy.
  • You don’t have underlying medical issues that can impair the recovery process or increase the risk of surgery.
  • You are a non-smoker although it isn’t a must. You will be instructed to avoid smoking for a few weeks before and after the surgery to facilitate healing.
  • You are bothered, such as frustrated or unhappy, about the general shape of your buttocks including its fullness or roundness. You may be unhappy about your butt’s size, too.
  • Your buttocks appear asymmetrical, which may or may not affect your gait.
  • You have realistic and reasonable expectations about the results of the procedure.
  • You are committed to adopting healthy diet, exercise and lifestyle habits.

While fat transfer to buttocks is a relatively safe and effective buttock enhancement procedure, it has its share of risks. You, the patient, must cooperate with your surgeon to decrease these risks and increase the chances of success.  

What Can You Expect During the Pre-surgery Consultation?

Your doctor will be able to determine your suitability for a Brazilian butt lift through a consultation. You must be prepared to discuss the following matters, among others:

  • Your medical issues and conditions, such as your risks of hypertension and diabetes as well as your treatments for the, if any
  • Your drug allergies
  • Your previous and current prescription and over-the-counter medications, vitamins and minerals, and herbal supplements
  • Your use of alcoholic beverages, tobacco products, and recreational drugs
  • Your previous surgeries

Your plastic surgeon will also perform physical and medical tests including:

  • Evaluating your overall physical and mental health status, as well as risk factors and pre-existing health conditions. For example, if you depression, you may first be referred to a psychiatrist; people with mental health disorders aren’t considered as good candidates for surgery unless in special circumstances.
  • Examining your body and taking its detailed measurements; symmetry is an important aspect of a butt lift, thus, the measurements.
  • Taking photographs of your body for your records, such as your “before” photos.
  • Discussing the pros and cons of a Brazilian butt lift, as well as making comparisons with the other methods like a buttocks lift and a buttock implants. This will also include the side effects, risks, and complications of the procedure.
  • Recommending a personalized course of treatment.

The final outcome including the safety and success of the fat grafting technique will partly depend on your complete honesty in answering the questions posed by the plastic surgeon during the consultation. You may want to bring your medical records, if necessary, and prepare written answers to the abovementioned concerns.

Furthermore, as a patient, you have the right and responsibility to ask relevant questions about the plastic surgeon and the procedure. You should have a basic understanding, at least, of the risks and rewards of the procedure as well as the steps involved in it. You should also express your feelings about it, whether you’re feeling excited or anxious about it, with the plastic surgeon.

A few of the most important questions to ask of your plastic surgeon include:

  • Have you need certified by the American Board of Plastic Surgery? Did you have specific training for the procedure? What’s your experience and track record in it? Look at the certification and search for the surgeon’s name in the database, if you have to double check.
  • Have you acquired hospital privileges and/or accreditations with the appropriate regulatory agencies?
  • Am I a suitable candidate for a Brazilian butt lift?
  • What will be expected of me before, during and after the procedure to get the desired results?
  • What will happen during and after the procedure? What steps will be taken?
  • When, where and how will the procedure be performed on me?
  • What’s the recovery period and process like?
  • What are the risks, side effects and complications of the procedure? How are these handled by the plastic surgeon?
  • What are my options in case of dissatisfaction with the results?

Remember that you are allowed to ask questions because it’s your body at stake. The more questions you ask, the more informed you will be, and the better your results can be.  

What Are Its Risks?

You have to decide whether the rewards of a Brazilian butt lift are well worth the risks and costs.  Your plastic surgeon will discuss the risks associated with it including:

  • Anesthesia-related complications
  • Pain in the treatment area and even in the surrounding parts
  • Poor wound healing
  • Bleeding
  • Infections
  • Seroma (fluid accumulation)
  • Fat necrosis (death of the fatty tissue under the skin)
  • Prolonged swelling and/or skin discoloration
  • Asymmetry of the buttocks
  • Cardiac and pulmonary complications
  • Deep vein thrombosis
  • Scarring and/or irritation of the skin
  • Loss of skin

There may also be a need for revisionary surgery.

What Are the Steps Before and During the Procedure?

Your plastic surgeon may ask you to:

  • Undergo a few laboratory tests
  • Adjust your current medications, taking certain medications, or avoiding some medications, such as aspirin and anti-inflammatory drugs
  • Stop smoking to facilitate proper healing

You may have stay in the hospital for a few or several hours after the surgery depending on your response.

In the fat grafting technique, your plastic surgeon may perform the following steps:

  • Administer anesthesia, which can either be general anesthesia or intravenous sedation. Your doctor will use the best option depending on your case.
  • Perform liposuction on the area where the fat for transfer to the buttocks will be harvested. Basically, diluted local anesthesia will be administered to the target area to reduce trauma and bleeding. Small incisions are made in the target area followed by the insertion of a cannula, a thin hollow tube, into the incisions; the cannula will be moved in controlled back-and-forth movements to loosen the excess fat. The dislodged fat is removed using a suction device, such as a syringe or a surgical vacuum, attached to the cannula.
  • Inject the harvested fat to the buttocks using a cannula and syringe.

Dressings and bandages are then applied to the incisions and small tubes will be placed under your skin to drain fluids. You will also be instructed to wear post-surgery support garments around-the-clock, as well as be prescribed medications, provided instructions on home care, and asked to come back for a follow-up checkup at a later date.  

The initial results of a Brazilian butt lift are immediately visible but the final results aren’t visible until a year after the procedure. This is because it takes several months for the transplanted fat to take, so to speak, but the results are more natural in both look and feel.

In the first 3-6 months after surgery, the tissues in your buttocks will slightly settle. The scars on both the harvest and treatment areas may take up to two years to fade while a few scars may still be visible.

You have to follow your physician’s instructions to the letter to ensure long-lasting results. For example, you shouldn’t expose your surgical incisions to excessive force, abrasion, and motion during the recovery period. You should also follow your surgeon’s specific instructions on taking good care of yourself.  

Remember, too, that the projection, or the overall roundness, fullness and perkiness, of your buttocks will likely decrease over time because the transplanted fat will be absorbed by your body. On average, patients retain between 60 and 80 percent of the transferred fat, a sufficient amount to maintain most of the buttocks’ desired projection.

Also, weight gain and loss may affect the final result so it’s important to maintain a stable weight. The transferred fat can either shrink or grow, too, in the same manner as the fat in other parts of your body.

Once the swelling, redness and other signs of surgery have dissipated, you can enjoy a perkier, fuller and rounder butt that every Latina this side of the world will envy!