Athenix Body Sculpting Cost: Pricing, Benefits, and Financing Options

Smart Cosmetic Choices: Be Informed with Unbiased Info

By: Julia Khan, prices are regularly updated.

Prices may vary by location and are updated frequently.

The following Athenix Body Sculpting prices are estimates only.


Athenix Body Sculpting Cost Approximate

Average Cost

Treatment Areas: Body$8,000
Treatment Areas: Face$5,000
Treatment Areas: Breast$7,000
Treatment Areas: Breast (Men)$5,000

Cost Per Area

Procedure/Surgery: Inner thigh fat removal$4,000
Procedure/Surgery: Fat transfer$5,000
Procedure/Surgery: Arm Lift$7,200
Procedure/Surgery: Thigh Lift$8,575
Procedure/Surgery: Gastric balloon$5,000
Procedure/Surgery: Chin & Neck$5,500
Procedure/Surgery: Facial fat transfer$5,200
Procedure/Surgery: Botox (per injection)$550
Procedure/Surgery: Juvederm$750
Procedure/Surgery: Kybella$1,350
Procedure/Surgery: Breast augmentation$6,475
Procedure/Surgery: Breast Lift$7,875
Procedure/Surgery: Breast reduction$7,225
Procedure/Surgery: Breast revision$8,000
Procedure/Surgery: Natural breast augmentation$7,000
Procedure/Surgery: Micro-body contouring$5,500
Procedure/Surgery: Male breast reduction$3,000

What Does Athenix Body Sculpting Mean?

The doctors at the Athenix Body Institute use the latest in liposuction technology in gently yet effectively removing excess fat from the treatment areas. Known as Vaser liposuction, the technology uses ultrasound in breaking up the excess fat, which will then be removed via micro-cannulas. The result is immediate visible results with minimum swelling!

After a few days, you should see a noticeable change in your body, particularly in the fat deposit near your skin. You will see that your curves and skin are smoother because there’s significantly less fat dimpling. Your body has that sculpted look that complements your efforts at a healthy diet and exercise program.

What Are Its Benefits and Risks?

The procedure may be pricey for many people but its benefits cannot be undermined either. The Athenix body sculpting technology is considered safe and effective by the Food and Drug Administration (FDA), especially since it’s used by fully-trained surgeons.

There’s no need for major surgery – no cuts, no incisions, no stapling, and no banding – as well as no need for the administration of a general anesthesia. In fact, you will be wide awake throughout the liposuction so you don’t have to worry about something going wrong without you knowing about it firsthand.

For this reason, the recovery time from an Athenix body sculpting program is shorter. You can return to your normal activities including your work within a few days after the procedure. The absence of downtime combined with the effective fat elimination is among the reasons for its popularity.

There’s also a surprising benefit to Vaser lipo! Due to the fact that the technology only dislodges unwanted fat cells, it leaves the soft tissues intact. You, the patient, can then ask your liposuction doctor to add volume via natural fat transfer to other areas of your body.

There are minor side effects, such as swelling and blood clotting in the treatment area. But these can be minimized by using compression belts, among others, as well as following post-procedure care.

The price of the body sculpting program can discourage a few individuals. But the Athenix Body Institute makes it more appealing to interested individuals by offering reasonable financing options.

The custom financing solutions usually involve no down payments and affordable monthly payments for as low as $73 a month. Surely, you can afford to pay the monthly amortization, not to mention that you will regain your self-confidence in your body – and that’s definitely priceless!

When inquiring about the Athenix body sculpting cost, you should ask about its inclusions and exclusions. You want to sign on the dotted line with your eyes wide open, especially in terms of what you’re getting for the price you’re paying.