CoolMini Prices

Smart Cosmetic Choices: Be Informed with Unbiased Info

By: Julia Khan, prices are regularly updated.

Prices may vary by location and are updated frequently.

Double chin, also known as submental fat in medical circles, isn’t just a cosmetic issue because it can affect a person’s psychological well-being. But until recent years, the only effective method of removing it was through surgical means – a neck lift, a face lift, or a liposuction, which were not only expensive but also came with high risk of side effects and complications.

Fortunately, there’s a new method that minimizes the risk of surgery – in fact, there’s no surgery involved – and maximizes the results! We’re talking about CoolMini, a non-surgical, safe and effective treatment for double chin approved by the Food and Drug Administration in September 2015.

Here are the CoolMini prices and what you need to know about the process.  


CoolMini Approximate Cost

Per Treatment

Treatment 1 (Procedures Starting Price)$1,000.00
Treatment 2 (Procedures Starting Price)$1,000.00
Treatment 3 (Procedures Starting Price)$1,000.00

How Does It Work?

Basically, a small special applicator is attached to a CoolSculpting device that delivers the ultra-cold treatment to the targeted cells. CoolMini works via a process known as cryolipolysis wherein the targeted fat cells are exposed to ultra-cold temperatures (i.e., just above the freezing point) and then become irreversibly damaged. These damaged fat cells are then recognized by the body as melted fat and, thus, removes them through natural means (i.e., via the excretory system).

The fat cells in the treated area aren’t likely to grow back although fat cells in the surrounding area can still grow larger. Your double chin will then not be as pronounced as it was before, and it won’t come back in the near future either. You can live your life as if it was never there in the first place!  

What Is the CoolMini Process?

The CoolMini process uses non-invasive technology and, hence, there are no scalpels and stitches involved. The CoolMini applicator is instead applied on the target area – under the chin, for example – for 45 to 60 minutes.

There’s little to no discomfort, swelling and bruising of the treated area since there were no incisions made, no anesthesia administered, and no pain medications given. You can, in fact, read a book, watch television, or listen to music during the procedure. You may even ask the technician if you can take a nap since you don’t have to be awake for the procedure; there’s no need to change your position during the entirety of the process.  

There may be slight redness, numbness and/or tenderness in the treated area after the one-hour procedure. But these are minor side effects that will resolve on their own within a week so there’s no need to be worried. You may also place ice on the treated area to speed up the healing process but it’s also best to leave it be since these side effects aren’t life-threatening anyway.  

Yet another advantage of CoolMini is that it’s suitable for men and women regardless of their age, skin color, and skin type. For as long as you’re a relatively healthy person and you don’t have skin diseases that can cause complications, then you are likely a suitable candidate.  However, children and teenagers may not be suitable patients yet because of their age – their double chin, for one thing, may just be “baby fats”, not to mention that plastic surgeons think twice before performing cosmetic surgery procedures on these young people.

How Much Does It Cost?

The CoolMini cost differs between individuals depending on the number of treatments required, the location of the clinic, and the experience of the healthcare provider. But in general, it’s more affordable than a chip liposuction, a neck lift, or a face lift.  

Ask your cosmetic surgeon first about the cost of CoolMini in your case before your first session, especially if you have financing concerns. Remember that your medical insurance provider may not cover the cost of the CoolMini sessions because these are purely cosmetic in nature. Ask about financing options, too, as many clinics offer affordable plans like installment plans, credit card payments, and with interest financing programs.

What Are the Results That You Can Expect?  

After a CoolMini session, you can go back to your daily routine immediately. There’s no downtime obviously with CoolMini, an advantage that makes it more desirable over surgical options. Keep in mind, however, that you will likely require multiple treatments to see your desired results so patience is key.

Depending on your case, it can take between two and four months after the last treatment session. But some patients also see positive preliminary results in as early as three weeks after the treatment.  Furthermore, as much as 25% of the submental fat can be removed in a single session.

After several sessions, your double chin should be significantly or completely removed. Be sure to set realistic and reasonable expectations about your results so as to prevent post-treatment psychological complications.  Your cosmetic surgeon will discuss the physical and psychological effects of the CoolMini procedure in detail but if you have more concerns, don’t be afraid to tell him.