Post-Operation Infections Are A Real Risk

Infections are always a potential risk in cosmetic surgery with the site of infection usually located on the sites of incision. These are possible, too, since the skin acts as a natural barrier against pathogens like bacteria that cause infections. Thus, any opening in the skin is like opening a door for pathogens to do their work.  

Fortunately, there are effective ways of reducing the risk of post-operative infections and of coping with them so as to prevent them from taking over your body.  

Pre-Operative Precautions

The prevention of post-operative infection starts at the operating room. But remember, too, that you have a hand in it even before you go under the knife since you will be required to stop smoking, stop taking certain medications, and start on a healthy diet and exercise program weeks before your operation, among other instructions.

Your surgeon will also ensure that the operating room has been properly cleaned and sterilized, as well as prepped for your operation. Your surgeon and his staff will also be dressed in their surgical attire, as well as prepare the area of your body for treatment. These aseptic procedures are intended to reduce, if not eliminate, the risk of infection after the surgery.  

Post-operative Infection Prevention

If despite these precautions you still experience an infection, you shouldn’t worry too much about it since your surgeon has many methods up his sleeve to counter it. For one thing, you will be given antibiotics or antibacterial medications to control the growth or bacteria or kill them. You may have to take these drugs at home, too, and be sure to follow the recommended dosage.  

For another thing, your body has its own defense mechanism – your immune system, of course – that will can stop pathogens before they can do more harm. This is where a healthy body from healthy diet, exercise and lifestyle habits will come in handy. If you aren’t in on these habits yet, you should be on it weeks, even months, before your planned operation date.

Besides, the risk of post-operative infection after cosmetic or plastic surgery for the general public is really low – about 1%. If you are a smoker, or you have diabetes or cardiovascular conditions, or you take steroids, your chances of getting an infection isn’t cause for concern.

As soon as you experience the signs of an infection, you should immediately contact your surgeon so that appropriate measures can be done, too. The earlier the intervention, the better your chances for overcoming the infection and the better your results will be.

Category: Top Liposuction

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