Managing Your Pain After Liposuction

While liposuction at Athenix Body is a minimally invasive procedure, it still requires scalpels and stitches that, in turn, means mild to moderate pain afterwards. But don’t fret as it is easy enough to manage the pain with a combination of rest, medication and compression.

Anesthesia’s Effects

The type of anesthesia and the amount administered has an effect on the intensity of the pain experienced in the first few days after the procedure. You should then discuss these matters with your doctor, especially if you have a low tolerance for pain, You must note, nonetheless, that the size and location of the treatment area, as well as the desired results, will be considered by your doctor in choosing the type of anesthesia used.  

On one hand, anesthesia administered through intravenous sedation typically results in less post-operative pain and, thus, there’s little to no need for prescription-strength pain medications. Acetaminophen is usually the only pain medication needed.  

On the other hand, general anesthesia typically results in more intense pain experience. You may then need prescription pain medications. Be careful about following your doctor’s dosage recommendations since many of these drugs can be addictive, not to mention that the side effects of misuse or abuse can worsen your pain symptoms.  

In both cases, the pain will be at its most intense two to four days post-liposuction. In the succeeding days, it will lessen until it’s tolerable, if not completely gone. You will also experience soreness and tenderness in the treated area but these will eventually fade.  

Avoid Certain Medications

We cannot overemphasize the importance of asking your doctor about the medications that you should and shouldn’t be taking while recovering from your liposuction.  Even over-the-counter drugs that appear to have little to no side effects at all, such as multivitamins, can slow down your recovery.

A few general tips about medications to know.

  • Motrin, Advil, and Aleve as well as aspirin and ibuprofen shouldn’t be taken for two first after liposuction. These drugs may decrease the pain but these can increase bruising and drainage, too, which will worsen your post-operative experience.
  • Over-the-counter dietary supplements should also be off the list since these can contain ingredients that may decrease the blood clotting rate. Vitamin E is particularly dangerous in this regard, as is many herbal products. Just don’t take any drug, medication and supplement without discussing it with your doctor.

Aside from medications, you should also follow the instructions about the use of compression garments and the avoidance of hot compress, cold compress, and water bottles on the treatment area. 

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