Questions To Ask Yourself Before Liposuction

Many people stride into a Smart Lipo clinic and think that the plastic surgeon will agree to performing liposuction on them immediately. But it isn’t the how the process works, especially as liposuction is considered a major operation. There are questions that individuals interested in the procedure should then ask themselves.

Am I a Suitable Candidate?

As with all types of cosmetic surgery, setting realistic expectations after liposuction is a must. While it can permanently remove fat in the treatment areas, such as in the abdomen, buttocks and thighs, it will not get rid of cellulite, stretch marks, and other cosmetic concerns. Plus, a healthy diet and exercise after surgery are still a must to maintain the results.

With that said, you must also be in good health before you can be considered a suitable candidate for liposuction. Your doctor will perform a physical examination to check if you have firm and elastic skin, as well as provide instructions for your laboratory tests to determine the state of your overall heath. Your weight should also be within 30% of your ideal weight considering your age and height.

You should also not be a smoker since cigarettes will adversely affect the healing process after the operation. Be honest about this aspect since your doctor will decide whether you are, indeed, a suitable candidate. You should also inform your doctor if you have a history with heart disease, diabetes, and strokes, as well as issues with blood flow, blood clotting, and a weak immune system.

Am I Ready for The Procedure?

Liposuction isn’t just a physical procedure because it will also challenge your mental capacity in many ways. You have to be ready for the post-operative pain although it can be controlled with pain relievers. You have to set your mind because of the diet and alcohol restrictions, both before and after the operation.

You should also take several days off work so that your body can heal well. You may then require assistance at home for certain things, aside from the assistance of a driver for driving you from the clinic to your home.

Aside from your mind and body being ready, you should also be ready for the costs of liposuction. Your insurance provider will most likely not cover it as it isn’t considered a medically essential surgery. You will pay most of the surgery costs, from the professional fees and clinic costs to the post-operation medications, so be sure you have sufficient money for it.

When you have answered “Yes!” to both questions, then you are ready for liposuction. Your doctor may agree.

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