What You Need to Know About Liposuction for the Neck

What You Need to Know About Liposuction for the Neck

A lot of people have a stubborn fat under their chin, even those who aren’t necessarily overweight. If you’ve tried a lot of things and you’re still not able to get rid of your double chin, then you’ve probably thought about getting a neck liposuction.

This procedure is minimally invasive and will remove excess fat in the neck area to redefine your neckline. The most commonly used liposuction technique for the neck is Vaser Lipo which removes fat by melting them away and then tightening the skin after.

As you age, your neck’s appearance changes. Many men and women develop droopy jowls or a double chin even if they stick to a healthy diet or exercise regularly. Fortunately, with liposuction, these stubborn fatty tissue and deposits can be removed by making a tiny incision in the problem area and placing a thin fiber under the skin’s surface. Laser energy is then utilized to melt the fat cells as well as heat up elastin and collagen fibers to tighten the skin.

Your neck will then gradually tighten in the course of 6 to 12 weeks and you’ll be able to say good bye to the fats in your neck and chin.

What’s Great About Neck Liposuction

  • Neck Liposuction has minimal downtime.
  • It’s suitable for men and women.
  • It adds definition to your neck and jawline.
  • It does not require the cutting or lifting of your skin.

Neck Liposuction Procedure

Neck liposuction using Vaser Lipo is a straightforward procedure. It takes about 1 hour to accomplish.

  • First, your doctor will numb the treatment area using a local anesthetic.
  • Once the anesthesia has started to take effect, they will place small incisions under the chin as well as behind the earlobe.
  • An ultra-thin fiber is placed under the skin.
  • Laser energy is then introduced to melt away the fat as well as heat up elastin and collagen fibers.
  • Once the procedure is done, your doctor may prescribe pain medication.
  • You will also be required to wear compression garment for up to 7 days.

Cost of Neck Liposuction

The cost will vary depending on various factors such as who your surgeon is, where you’re located, how much fat needs to be removed, etc. Generally speaking the cost is around $2,000 to $4,000

The success of the procedure will largely depend on the skills of your surgeon so be sure to ask them about how many neck lipo procedures they’ve performed, what their plastic surgery experience is, their certifications and training, and also ask to see before and after photos.

Should I Get a Neck Liposuction?

This procedure may be suitable for you if:

  • If you have tried a lot of things to get rid of your double chin/neck jowl/turkey neck and without any success.
  • You are embarrassed about your neckline or neck.
  • You have low self esteem as a result of your double chin or turkey neck.

All you need to know about Neck Liposuction Surgical Procedure

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