When’s The Best Time For A Mom Makeover?

Mom jobs, as mom makeovers are also known, are popular procedures in Sono Bello clinics and we aren’t surprised by their increasing popularity. Many new mothers want to get back their pre-pregnancy figures that even the adoption of healthy diet, exercise and lifestyle habits cannot achieve.

But before you get on the bandwagon, here’s a recommended timelines of the best time for undergoing cosmetic surgery for new mothers.  In the following discussion, keep in mind that your body nurtured new life, delivered it into the world, and deserves proper rest and recovery from the significant changes pregnancy and childbirth brought.  

We will also focus on the two main areas that new moms focus on for a mom makeover: breasts, and abdomen.


The breasts are still undergoing changes to its shape and size for several months after delivery. The skin and breast tissues are also still subject to physical and physiological changes, especially when you’re breastfeeding.  In fact, breastfeeding mothers should think twice about cosmetic surgery a few months after delivery for this reason.

The bottom line: Hold off on breast enhancement surgery three to six months after your delivery. But if you’re breastfeeding now, wait for three to six months after you have stopped breastfeeding before considering surgery.  


The abdomen is understandably a source of insecurity for many new mothers. Due to the growing tummy during pregnancy, the skin on the abdomen has been stretched while the muscles and fat have been displaced from their proper places, so to speak. Many mothers will also gain a significant amount of weight that will affect the size of their tummies after delivery.  

But don’t be in a hurry either to get a liposuction or a tummy tuck, perhaps even both in the same operation. Six months after delivery, your abdomen will still be undergoing changes, especially in its abdominal wall, and its skin, tissues and fat. If you undergo surgery before six months has elapsed, you may not be satisfied with the results, no thanks to the premature timing of the operation.  

The bottom line: Wait for at least 12 months after delivery since it’s the minimum period when your abdomen reverses the effects of pregnancy. Wait even longer is you carried twins or if you gave birth to two singles within a year of each other.  

You may also consider liposuction on your love handles but don’t let the procedure become your first choice in their removal. Give yourself the opportunity to remove most of your love handles through diet and exercise before considering liposuction.  

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