Science-Based Tips for Weight Loss

It’s true that you can get a simple liposuction to suck off the fat from your frame. It’s actually a simple procedure, and it’s safe as long as you stick with the reputable options such as Smart Lipo. The results are immediate, and doesn’t need as much down time as other invasive surgeries.

The weight loss is even permanent, at least in theory. It’s true that a liposuction takes out the fat cells permanently. But you only maintain the results if you switch to a healthier lifestyle. That means going with a healthier diet instead, and becoming more active along the way.

This is where the trouble begins. It’s not easy to maintain a healthy lifestyle. Of course, lots of people will give you plenty of tips to help. You won’t run out of them. A simple Google search will give you gazillions of these tips.

Some of these tips are blindingly obvious that they can be somewhat annoying. Consume fewer calories. Obviously. Exercise more. Well, duh. Eat more veggies and fruits. Your mom has been saying that for years.

Other tips may seem good, but aren’t based on real facts at all. In fact, some tips that seem helpful may actually get you to add more pounds.

Here are some tips that can help you maintain or lose weight, regardless of whether you undergo a liposuction. The difference between these tips and the other tips you may have received from others is that all these tips are based on the results of actual scientific studies. You can Google these tips and find these studies online.

Avoid Fruit Juices

How can this be, when fruits are so healthy? The problem here is the sugar content. By now, we all know that sugar is bad for you.

But sugar in drinks is even worse. Quite a few studies have indicated that of all the components of today’s average diet, the calories that come from sugared beverages may be, in fact, the most fattening of them all.

So, you know that a glass of Coca Cola or Pepsi may not be doing any favors for your health. But a glass of fruit juice contains the same amount of sugar, so it’s not really healthy for you either.

Eat the fruits, but avoid fruit juice whenever you can.

Eat Using Smaller Plates

Again, we know that we can get fewer calories by eating smaller portions. But that just leaves us dissatisfied for the most part.

What you can do to counter this effect is to trick your mind into thinking that you’ve eaten more than what you’ve actually consumed. You can do this with a smaller plate for the smaller portion of food. The ratio of food to plate tricks your mind into thinking you’re eating your usual portion.

The studies do indicate that this doesn’t work for everyone. It’s more likely to work with overweight people, which is a good thing as they need this trick more.

For Breakfast, Eggs are Good

Whole eggs are actually good for you. It offers a long list of benefits, and of those benefits is weight loss.

According to the studies, people who replace their grain-based breakfast with eggs help them to eat fewer calories for the next 36 hours. These people also lose more body fat (and therefore more weight).

Focus on More Protein

If you can’t get eggs, any source of protein for breakfast is a good thing. In fact, increase your protein intake during the day while you decrease your carb intake.

A study showed that taking in protein as 25% of your daily calories reduced people’s obsessive thoughts about food by about 60%. It even cuts down (by 50%) a person’s urging for late-night snacks.

Protein boosts your metabolism enabling your body to burn off an extra 80 to 100 calories a day. It can actually take off an average of 441 calories from your net calorie intake.

Not to mention that protein is crucial when you’re building or maintaining muscles. You need your muscles for your strength.

Take Some Supplements

If you’re not able to get (or afford) enough protein to make up 25% of your calorie intake, try taking protein supplements.

Whey protein is a good option. Using whey protein supplements to replace a portion of your calorie intake can not only boost muscle mass, but also reduce your weight over time by about 8 pounds on average.

Get some probiotic supplements as well. You can go with the various Lactobacillus bacteria, which can help reduce fat mass. The main exception here is with the L. acidophilus. You should avoid this as it’s been associated with weight gain.

Get Enough Sleep

This isn’t just about sleeping as a better alternative to eating. Good quality sleep, in fact, is just as crucial as a proper diet and healthy exercise. Poor sleep has been linked to a 55% increased risk of obesity in adults, with the risk increasing by 89% in children

Hopefully, all these tips can help you out!

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