Chin Liposuction: The Good and the Bad

Liposuction like the Vaser Lipo is often performed on the buttocks, stomach and thighs. After all these are areas that often accumulate fat. But the chin is likewise a needy area and no one likes sporting a double-chin. This is why chin liposuction is a good option for many. But let’s take a look at its pros and cons to help you make an informed decision.

Why You Should Consider Liposuction

Here are the main reasons why it’s a popular procedure.

1. The chin is something you can’t hide.

Your chin is visible to the world each time you leave your home whether for work, errands, for a date, or a business meeting.  If you have a neck jowl or sagging skin in your chin area, it’s a good idea to have those removed for noticeable improvement in your appearance.

2. You can’t naturally remove fat in your chin.

Sure, you can see a lot of chin exercises on Youtube.  But their effectiveness is suspect to say the least. And contrary to popular belief, there’s no such thing as spot reduction.

3. Chin lipo is minimally invasive.

Yes in most cases you will only be administered with a local anesthesia and the procedure takes only an hour or less.

4. Your chin gets adversely affected when you get older.

The neck and chin areas show early signs of aging. Liposuction of the chin can prevent the build-up of fat that may have been triggered by hormonal fluctuations and other aging related causes.

5. Chin liposuction is the quickest way to eliminate a double chin.

If you want the fastest way to get rid of your annoying double-chin, then liposuction is the way to go.

Chin Liposuction Drawbacks

There are a few drawbacks to chin liposuction that you should also consider before making a decision:

1. Recovery time

Expect a downtime of 3-5 days and you will also need to wear a chin strap for a bit of time.

2. Does not help with skin laxity

Liposuction removes fatty deposits in the chin and neck area but doesn’t change the skin laxity significantly.

3. May need treatment for skin tightening

This usually only affects those who are 60 or older who want to undergo chin lipo. You’ll need a separate treatment to help tighten the skin.

Chin Liposuction Procedure

Men and women who want to get rid of their double chin may want to try chin liposuction which has helped thousands improve the appearance of their chin and neck area. It is best performed on individuals who have a fatty double chin. Those who have minimal chin fat or have loose skin may need a different procedure.

The procedure is quite straightforward. It is minimally invasive and will only need 3 or 4 little incisions to refine and sculpt the neck and chin. In most cases it can be carried out while the patient is awake using only local anesthesia. Once the procedure is done, the patient can go home and recovery will take 3-5 days. Painkillers may be prescribed to alleviate any pain.

Chin exercise videos:


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